Micro frontend – is its a microservice ?

Micro Frontend Architecture: Is it a Microservice?

The term “Microfrontend” refers to a software architecture approach where the frontend of an application is divided into multiple, independently deployable micro-applications. Each micro-application is responsible for a specific, well-defined piece of functionality, such as a dashboard, a shopping cart, or a user profile.

The goal of microfrontend architecture is to break down large, monolithic frontend applications into smaller, more manageable pieces. This makes the frontend easier to develop, test, and deploy, and it also makes it easier to scale and maintain the application over time.

Is Microfrontend a Microservice?

Microfrontend architecture shares many similarities with microservice architecture. Both approaches involve breaking down a large, complex system into smaller, more manageable pieces. However, there are some key differences between the two architectures that are worth noting.

The main difference is that microservices are typically focused on the backend of an application, while microfrontends are focused on the frontend. Microservices are used to build distributed systems, while microfrontends are used to build user interfaces. Microservices are typically built using technologies like REST APIs, while microfrontends are built using technologies like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Another difference is that microservices are designed to be deployed independently, while microfrontends are designed to be composed together into a single user interface. In a microservices architecture, each microservice is a standalone application that communicates with other microservices through APIs. In a microfrontend architecture, each micro-application is a small piece of a larger puzzle that must work together to create a cohesive user experience.

In conclusion, microfrontend architecture is not a microservice, but it is influenced by microservice architecture and shares many similarities with it. Microfrontend architecture is a specific approach to building frontend applications that is designed to make the development, testing, and deployment of the frontend easier and more efficient. By breaking down the frontend into smaller, independent pieces, microfrontend architecture makes it easier to build complex user interfaces and to scale and maintain the application over time.

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